
Christians are wired to serve. Service is more than something we do; it is our identity in Christ. We believe service is given to us by God, for His glory and for the formation of His people. Service is an overflow of the love and compassion God has placed in our hearts.  It is our desire for every Christian to be fully alive in Christ by serving together with other believers.

We are involved in the ministries below.

“Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

MinistryContact person(s)
AGAPE of NC, Inc. (Childcare agency)See the link to the left for more information
Assembly ManagementLester Jenkins
Audio/VisualRichard Gregory
Benevolence: (Potter’s House, Food Pantry)Kevin Herrmann
Disaster Relief Effort See the link to the left for more information
Eastern European MissionsSee the link to the left for more information
Education (Adult/Children/Youth)Jason Noble/Molly Young/Landon Gardner
Family Life CenterSee the link to the left for more information
Family Life Ministry (Children, Youth, College, & Groups)Bryan Brown
Finance (Link to give)Tom Allgood
GroupsSee the link to the left for more information
GroundsJim Akers
Helping HandsFannie Bennett, Bernice Campbell, Pam Mick
HospitalityMark Brown
Magi Boxes Jenny Newberry, Cynthia Guevara
Maintenance (Facilities/Vehicle)Bobby Hanvey/Ian Newton
Men’s MinistryAdam Spencer
Missions Tia Jenkins
Praise Team
Safety MinistryStaten Young
Shirley Frye YWCABrenda Mullinix
Spanish LanguageWillie Costa
Super SeniorsGlaston Jones
Threads of GenerosityTammy Kuneff
WorshipChad Merritt
YouthLandon Gardner