Dr. Jason Noble – Preaching Minister
Jason Noble is the Preaching Minister at Friendly Avenue. In addition to preaching and teaching, Jason works closely with the elders, staff and other church leaders to help carry out Friendly’s mission to become a transformed people as we worship God, study His word and serve church and our community. Jason is married to Dr. Erica Noble and, together, they have four children. Erica and Jason consider themselves partners in life, family and ministry. They have served churches in Texas and North Carolina since 1999.
- Jason joined the Friendly Avenue staff in 2006
- B.A. Christian Ministry from Abilene Christian University, 1999
- Masters of Arts in Christian Ministry, Abilene Christian University, 2001
- Doctorate of Ministry in Preaching and Church Leadership, Carolina Graduate School of Divinity, 2016
Bryan Brown – Family Life Minister
Bryan is the Family Life Minister. As the Family Life Minister, Bryan focuses on serving, supporting, and equipping families while working in partnership with our children’s youth and college ministries. He also serves as leader of the small group ministry. In addition to the work mentioned above, Bryan, on occasion, preaches on Sunday mornings and teaches our adult classes. Bryan is married to his lovely wife, Sheri Brown and they have two wonderful sons.
- Started attending Friendly in 1996
- Joined the Friendly staff in 2004
- B.A. in Graphic Design, University of South Carolina in 1995
- Master of Arts in Christian Ministry from Harding School of Theology in 2018
Willie Costa – Spanish Language Minister
Willie is our Hispanic Minister. He coordinates our church’s efforts to reach out into the Spanish- language community in Guilford County. In addition to his outreach efforts, Willie also preaches for the weekly Spanish-language service, and he works to build community among the Hispanic group at Friendly. Willie grew up in Uruguay, South America, and moved to the United States in 1987.
- Joined the Friendly staff in 2002
- B.A. in Bible and Missions, Abilene Christian University
- Helped start the Hispanic ministry in Forsyth County
Landon Gardner – Youth and Children’s Minister
- Landon joined the Friendly staff in 2024
- Speaks both English and Spanish
- B.A. Bible and Family Ministry from Harding University, 2024
Custodian – Tammy Kuneff
Tammy has been in charge of custodial services at Friendly for many years, and always makes sure the building is clean and inviting. Tammy is married to Terry, one of our elders.
Secretary – Kara Warner
She answers the phone, helps with the food pantry, and takes care of numerous administrative tasks. She is the person who can help you find what you are looking for, answer your question or get what you need printed.
Started attending Friendly in 1995
Joined the Friendly staff in 2022
Part Time Secretary – Nicole Spickard
She fills in for Kara when needed, makes sure our website is up to date, maintains our Facebook pages, and helps with other administrative tasks.
Started attending Friendly in 1982
Joined the Friendly staff in 2025