Dr. Jason Noble - March 16, 2025

Follow Me: Do Not Be Deceived

Our sermon today is formed around Mark 13. This chapter contains the longest section of Jesus’ teaching in Mark’s gospel and is arguably the most difficult to interpret. To that end, the sermon this morning is purposed to help us read Mark 13. The bottom line is this: trust and follow Jesus—especially when God’s judgement on unfaithfulness and fruitlessness bring difficult, disruptive, and suffering into our world. This was true when God brought judgement on Israel and will be true for the rest of human history.

Scripture References: Mark 13:1-37

From Series: "Love. Learn. Live."

Our theme for 2023 is 'Love. Learn. Love.', which is taken from Matthew 22:34-40 and Matthew 28:16-20. Throughout the year we will give our attention to the teachings of Jesus and what it means to follow Him @home, w/the church, &beyond.

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