Through the grace of God in Christ Jesus we are saved to live. We are made new and as a new creation we are to be a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, set apart for God and from the world. As a living sacrifice our lives belong to Christ for his purpose and his mission. We are to live a Christ-centered life, which is a life where Christ lives in and through us, reaching out to our church, community, and beyond. A Christ-centered life is one that allows Christ to minister through us into the lives of others. A life in Christ is deeper than verbal assent or ritual obedience, it is a response to the grace of God that seeks to live every moment of every day in full submission and devotion to the will of God. When our faith trajectory points in that direction light shines, things happen, lives change.
Our theme for 2023 is 'Love. Learn. Love.', which is taken from Matthew 22:34-40 and Matthew 28:16-20. Throughout the year we will give our attention to the teachings of Jesus and what it means to follow Him @home, w/the church, &beyond.