All the elders at Friendly Avenue understand they are men who:
- Pray for the church
- Provide a good example in the way they conduct their lives
- Teach and train others
- Exhort, encourage, and nurture others
- Protect the church from unhealthy teaching
- Settle disputes between church members
- Spiritually feed the church
- Lead the church
- Serve the church
All elders take equal responsibility for all aspects of the body. From time to time they will form subcommittees of elders to help carry out their work in greater efficiency. The elders also work closely with the staff, deacons and ministry leaders to make sure the body is caring for itself and growing. At Friendly, the elders are the highest human authority on matters of practice and belief. They serve faithfully under the authority of Christ and His word.
Shepherding Groups – the elders have divided the church into shepherding groups. The purposes of these groups are to help the elders better facilitate communication and care. If you have any special needs, questions or concerns, your shepherding elder is the person to contact.
Invitation to meet with the elders – The elders meet the first two Monday nights of the month at 6:00 PM. The first half hour of each meeting is open to church members with prior notification. Please contact your communication elder or the church office to schedule time during an elder’s meeting.

Jim Akers

Nathan Hardiman

John Harris

Terry Kuneff

Steve Maple

Dewey Merritt

Matt Rennie

Wes Scott

Ed Thomas