AGAPE of NC exists to provide professional social services as a compassionate Christian outreach to children and families in need in order to strengthen families. For more info go to their Website: click here Or watch a video of how you may help children through AGAPE: Click here for video.

Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort (CoC DRE), is an organization in Nashville, TN that helps disaster areas across the US, and US Territories. They only work through a local Church of Christ in or near the disaster area. When a major disaster such as a tornado, hurricane, wildfire or flood hits, CoC DRE reaches out to local congregations, to determine the level of damage, and to offer these supplies at no cost. The local congregation goes to work distributing the supplies to their community, hoping to build new relationships while helping those in need, being able to teach them the Gospel and bring the lost to Christ. Once rebuilding is complete, they also help uninsured, low-income families with replacement of some of the items they lost due to the disaster, all paid for by the Lord's church. For more information: click here

Friendly Avenue Church of Christ provides bags of groceries to families in need. We are located at 5101 W Friendly Avenue, in Greensboro, NC. The Food Pantry is open BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. For more information, click here

Potters House Community Kitchen (Potter’s House) is a ministry that Friendly Avenue Church of Christ (FACC) actively works with as part of the Greensboro Urban Ministry. Since the late 1980’s FACC has served meals at what is known as the Potter’s House. The second Saturday of the month is our service date where we serve up to 350 people in need. Community kitchen guests come from all over the city, and for many of them, this may be the only meal they will eat that day. Potter’s House has an open-door policy – everyone is welcome, without question or qualification. For More information, click here

We are a new ministry called Threads of Generosity. It is a free clothing ministry for those families in the community in need of clothing. No strings attached.
We need your help with donations of any type of men's, women's or children's clothing in good condition for all seasons.
We are also accepting: Coats, hats, scarves, ties, shoes, purses, and jewelry.
Clothing may be dropped off anytime in the carport/drive through located in the back of the church building at 5101 W Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27410.
If you have questions, please call Tammy Kuneff: 336-355-0933 (ministry cell phone) or the church office: 336-292-7649
We sincerely appreciate any help you are able to provide, especially your prayers.