Potters House Community Kitchen (Potter’s House) is a ministry that Friendly Avenue Church of Christ (FACC) actively works with as part of Greensboro Urban Ministry. Since the late 1980s, FACC has served meals at what is known as the Potter’s House. The second Saturday of the month is our service date where we serve up to 350 people in need. Community kitchen guests come from all over the city; and for many of them, this may be the only meal they will eat that day. Potter’s House has an open-door policy – everyone is welcome, without question or qualification.
The Saturday lunch begins promptly at 10:30 AM when the doors open, and the first of the guests start to stream in. Each guest would be seated and served a drink from the beverage station and a tray from the food line. By 12:30 the last of the guests have received their meal. Frequently, more than 350 guests will be fed during the community lunch hour.
While most service volunteers provide from the stores of the Food Pantry, FACC continues to provide our food menu including ham, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, peaches, and bread. The menu rarely changes; so, the team members frequently take some “ownership” of their area of preparation which significantly impacts the quality of food. These meals are paid for through donations from our members.
We currently have two teams serving the second Saturday of every month. Team 1, led by Larry Plott, serves January, March, May, July, September, and November. Team 2, led by Eugene Uitenham, serves February, April, June, August, October, and December. Please let Larry Plott or Eugene Uitenham know if you and your family would like to serve. The commitment to serve is every other month in rotation for four hours (9 AM to 12:30 PM), six days a year. Urban Ministries is located at 305 West Gate City Blvd, Greensboro, NC 27406.